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People come and go from village gate in SW China during WWII, with propaganda and military rules posed beside the gate.
GI poses with buckets on a shoulder pole in China, during WWII.
GIs lead mules out of a C-47 transport plane during WWII, in China.
A group of trainees in photography during WWII. Edward H. Dixon is sitting crossed-legged in the first row, second from the left.
GIs in jeep wait before C-47 transport in China, during WWII. The jeep has a white placard saying "Airdrome Officer." Although ICD-ATC is stenciled on the jeep, indicating Dum Dum Air Base, the terrain in the background is definitely not that of Dum Dum, and should be China.
Dum Dum Air Terminal, Calcutta. 1305th AAFBU ICD-ATC passenger terminal. During WWII. Photo from Alex Grande.
GIs, possibly stateside, during WWII, possibly at at Camp Swift, Texas. Photograph developed in 1943 by Renfro's Photo Service.
Three members of the 341st Bombardment Group pose in the CBI during WWII. Dan Loring (11th Squadron) on the right.