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American survey team surveying the road which will meet the Ledo Road at the Burma border, opening China's lifeline to India. Sgt. James W. Clark on guard, at transit is T/4 Lance A. Rodgers, while T/3 Joseph R. Pauline records, in the background holding range pole is T/5 Corbet B. Presley. December 2, 1944. Photo by T/Sgt. S. L. Greenberg...
803rd MAES and 2nd TCS evacuating combat casualties on the first evacuation for the 803rd. Litter patients are: Pilot Capt. Walter Eschwald and Co-pilot F. O. Capt. Ivan Hirshburg. Flight nurse Lt. Audrey Rodgers, chief nurse of the 803rd MAES, Capt. Duncan, medical officer, 803rd. Capt Carey Leggett, medical officer for 2nd TCS. At door, Sgt. Harrison Vickers, 2nd TCS...