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We will soon provide here the story of B-24J L.A.B. bomber #42-100040 and crew that disappeared on May 26, 1944. Crew names were: 2nd Lt. Rex D. Arnold - Co-Pilot (OK) 2nd Lt. Seymour Goldsmith - Navigator (NY) S/Sgt. Matthew O. Kelsey - Gunner (CA) T/Sgt. Paul J. Koerner - Gunner (MD) S/Sgt. Anthony S. Kryscio - Radar Operator (PA)...
On 8 May 1943, ten B-25 bombers of the 341st Bomb Group, 11th Bomb Squadron, targeted Tien Hoa Airport, Canton. While the formation was approaching the target the plane piloted by Capt Douglas Weaver exploded just as bomb bay doors were opening. The remaining aircraft dropped all of their bombs in the target area scoring three direct hits on the...
September 29, 1945 Kunming China L to R: Col. Hwang 13th Regt. C. O. shakes hands with Col. Charles Haggerty, American Liaison Officer (M. S.) to Chinese 13th F. A. Regt., with American artillery in the background. During WWII. Photo by T/4 Henry Allen
Capt. O. D. Propps, American Liaison Officer, and Col. Tung Tau, commanding 388 Regiment, 130th Division, 53rd Chinese Army, inspect captured Japanese heavy machine gun, captured on Li La Hill northwest of Chefang. This machine gun fires 7.92 mm ammunition. Yunnan Province on November 28, 1944. Photo by T/5 W. E. Shemorry. B-Detachment, 164th Signal Photographic Company, APO 627. Passed...
American liaison officers and Chinese troop commanders plan coordinated air and ground attack on Japanese forces at Hung Chiu Hill, southwest of Chefang. L-R: Capt. Benjamin C. Adams, Earl M. Rothberger, Capt. William L. Yeomans (F. A. Liaison O), Col. Wang Ching-shan (C.O. 388th Regiment), Lt. Col. J.N. Ruggieri (Liaison O. With 130th Division), Wang Chen-yuan (Interpreter), and Maj. Gen...
William A. Drager, MIA-KIA from the CBI. Any information on Mr. Drager to add here to his memorial web page, please contact Pat at Information from National WWII Memorial: BRANCH OF SERVICE U.S. Army Air Forces HOMETOWN Hackettstown, NJ HONORED BY Mrs. Robert J. Kastenhuber ACTIVITY DURING WWII SERVED WITH 14TH AIR FORCE -- FLYING TIGERS. MISSING IN ACTION...
Lt. Ernest Garner’s who disappeared over Shanxi province, China in the spring of 1945. Not even a letter from a respected general promising that, "Every possible effort has been and will continue to be made to locate your son," would be enough for Lt. Ernest Garner’s family after he disappeared over Shanxi province, China in the spring of 1945. Chennault’s...
Here is an initial file regarding 1st Lt. Nick Gazibara, pilot with the 74th Fighter Squadron, 23rd Fighter Group, in China, killed in 1945 in China. Below is a short narrative kindly provided to our project by his younger brother Don in 2008: Nick Gazibara DOB 12/18/1922, Export, PA Father Robert (Bozo) immigrated from Yugoslavia in 1914 Mother oldest of...