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Col. J.W. Sells, Brig Gen. Frank Dorn, and Maj. Gen. Hsiung Pin look over the ruins of Tengchong from the city walls. December 18, 1944. Photo by T/Sgt. S. L. Greenberg. 164th Signal Photographic Company. Passed by William E. Whitten.
Major General A. C Wedemeyer, O.G. of the China Theater is greeted at the Baoshan airport by Gen. Wei Li-huang, C. in C. of the C.E.F. in this tour of inspection of the Western Front Headquarters. December 18, 1944. Photo by Pvt. Seymour Israel. 164th Signal Photographic Company. Passed by William E. Whitten.
Major General A. C Wedemeyer, O.G. of the China Theater is greeted at the Baoshan airport by Gen. Wei Li-huang, C. in C. of the C.E.F. in this tour of inspection of the Western Front Headquarters. December 18, 1944. Photo by Pvt. Seymour Israel. 164th Signal Photographic Company.
Maj. Gen. A. C. Wedemeyer and Col. Seedlock of the B. R. E. discussing the present situation. Yunnan Province on December 18, 1944. Photo by T/Sgt. S. L. Greenberg. Passed by censor William E. Whitten.
Burials of 1st Lt. John B. Leskie (middle initial corrected, for "Benard"), Flight Officer John G. Meuth, 2nd Lt. Lawrence A. Swanson, S/Sgt. Edward Lietener, Sgt. David H. Randolph. All men were members of the 322nd Troop Carrier Squadron. Maj. Gen. Wedemeyer and Maj. Gen. G. X. Cheves were present at the funeral ceremony. Their unarmed transport plane crashed--in some...
Eating banquet dinner at party at Governor Lung's of Yunnan Province on December 16, 1944. Secretary Liang Yu-kao, and Gen. Liu Ya-yang. Photo by Pfc. Thomas F. Melvin. Passed by censor William E. Whitten.
Party at Governor Lung's of Yunnan Province on December 16, 1944. Gen. Lu Han, Maj. Gen. Wedemeyer, and Gen. Kwan. Photo by Pfc. Thomas F. Melvin. Passed by censor William E. Whitten.
Officers such as Col. Wise, Gen. Wedemeyr, Gen. Al Bennett, and Chinese officers, enjoy a fine meal at Peishiyi upon a visit by Wedemeyer. During WWII. Photo from M. J. Hollman.