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American survey team surveying the road which will meet the Ledo Road at the Burma border, opening China's lifeline to India. Sgt. James W. Clark on guard, at transit is T/4 Lance A. Rodgers, while T/3 Joseph R. Pauline records, in the background holding range pole is T/5 Corbet B. Presley. December 2, 1944. Photo by T/Sgt. S. L. Greenberg...
American flyers at Yangkai make poses for the camera, including with a senior officer. During WWII. Middle image: Lt Col Richard D. Day (Cmdr, 491st), Lt Col Donald L. Clark (former C.O. of 491st), unknown, Capt Joe T. Callaway (former C.O. of 491st), Col James W. Newsome (341st Bm Grp C.O.) (Info courtesy Tony Strotman.)
Making up a page for the old Roundup in the mechanical department of The Statesman in new Delhi. In the CBI during WWII. Above in an image collected by the editors of Ex-CBI Roundup (usually through reader submission) over many years of publication, and provided to the Remembering Shared Honor project.
An American doctor treats a leg injury in on site in the forest in the CBI during WWII. Photo from John E. Clark.
Original staff of CBI Roundup mug for camera in New Delhi during WWII. Standing, left to right: Stg. Heenan, Sgt. McDowell. Sitting: Major Walter, and Sgt. Clark.
Col. Clark (far left) and Claire Chennault (middle) at Yangkai, February, 1945, during decoration formation.
S/Sgt. Ira M. Brown, Corning, Iowa, receives Purple Heart from Col. D. L. Clark, Standing bedside are Lt. Col. A. A. Leonidoff, Col. J. C. Kennedy, and Lt. Col. John Groupman. According to report in his hometown paper, The Adams County Free Press (Iowa), on March 15, 1945, S/Sgt. Brown had been wounded in battle, and had been a gunner...
Throughout the world the American soldiers' fondness for children has become well known and in China it is no exception. Scores of orphans have been adopted by men of the Major-General C. L. Chennault\'s Fourteenth Air Force. here Staff Sergeant Elwood Clark of 2922 Coleman Ave., Corpus Christi, Texas, is shown holding Marie Liu, 6-year old girl who was found...
Yangkai, China, Early 1945. Front ?Lecher, Schmidt, Clark, Penny, Routon. Rear ?Bryan, Gornick, Gebhardt, Williams, Vollmer, Arndt.