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GI loitering in China, during WWII.
GIs in jeep wait before C-47 transport in China, during WWII. The jeep has a white placard saying "Airdrome Officer." Although ICD-ATC is stenciled on the jeep, indicating Dum Dum Air Base, the terrain in the background is definitely not that of Dum Dum, and should be China.
GI posing before Base Provost Marshal Office in China, during WWII.
GIs, possibly stateside, during WWII, possibly at at Camp Swift, Texas. Photograph developed in 1943 by Renfro's Photo Service.
"Yunnan (China), shrouded corpse of houseboy executed for theft." During WWII in SW China. Courtesy of
American GIs at the service club, building "T-609," stateside.
American GIs stateside.
American GIs stateside, at a base.
American GIs stateside: The "Military Aquatics Area," and two GIs horsing around, at a base in the US during WWII.
Two American GIs stateside during WWI, standing before building "T-609," presumably at a military base.