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Two patients at the Convalescent Camp (#3) in Kunming, China, look with anticipation at the shower rooms being erected for their comfort. Two shower rooms are nearing completion, each having 6 showers and a large adjoining washroom. The buildings are of brick and will have both hot and cold water. June 19, 1945. Photo by T/4 Louis Raczkowski.
General Joseph W. Stilwell chats with men at port at Calcutta. July 30, 1944. Left to right: Brig. Gen. G. X. Cheves, Gen. Stilwell, S/Sgt. Julius Miller, Cpl. John Carvone, and Cpl. Peter Cecora. Photo by Pfc. Louis W. Raczkowski.
June 23, 1945 Boating and fishing are among the attractions for the recuperating patients at the Convalescent Camp #3 at Kunming, China, the only one of its kind in the China Theater. Army boats have been provided, as well as home-made airplane tank scooters for the aquatic enjoyment of the patients. During WWII. AKA: "Camp Schiel" Photo by T/4 Louis...