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GIs inspect crashed and pancaked B-24 in a grainfield in China during WWII, between 1943-1945. Courtesy of
GIs inspect crashed B-24 in a grainfield in China during WWII, between 1943-1945. Courtesy of
GIs inspect crashed B-24 in a grainfield in China during WWII, between 1943-1945. Courtesy of
"This Chinese vendor located his 'place of business' along the road from Kunming to Chengdu. He was selling small nuts that were deep fried. An American convoy stopped in this area and an American soldier took advantage of the time to make a purchase." Courtesy of
Luliang (China), Bert Krawczyk and a young boy at the air base at Luliang, ca. 1943-1945: "Bert Krawczyk at Luliang in Yunnan Province, China. This young Chinese boy was part of the thousands of local people from the town and surrounding area that worked at the air base. The Operations building to the left was constructed by the Chinese of...
"Yunnan (China), shrouded corpse of houseboy executed for theft." During WWII in SW China. Courtesy of
A photographer takes a portrait photo of an American serviceman. Yangkai valley in the background. During WWII in SW China. Courtesy of
American military convoy goes through a small village in SW China. During WWII. Courtesy of
"China, Bert Krawczyk and George Clements sitting at a restaurant table with an unidentified Chinese boy." During WWII. Courtesy of
"Vehicles bound for Chengdu and the 20th bomber command are loaded on barges. As a steamboat (behind man directing) waits to ferry the barge across. All necessary gasoline was carried along for the journey. Several 55 gallon drums are visible in the vehicle. Poles were used to move the barges out of shallow water." Courtesy of