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Alice Chong pressed into public relations duty at Kunming during the winter of 1943-44. When a visiting troupe of USO entertainers, Hollywood actors, visited the 14th U.S. Army Air Force base, Alice was detailed to lead them around, answer their questions, translate for them, and in general make them feel at home. Of the four Hollywood actors at center, Edmund...
Performers well off the beaten track, providing a break for Burma Road engineers of the 797th Engineer Forestry Company--Pat O'Brien and Jinx Falkenburg perform--Falkenburg, Yeaton, O'Brien, Carol, Dodd, and a random, confused-looking GI singing on stage. During WWII.
Performers well off the beaten track, providing a break for Burma Road engineers of the 797th Engineer Forestry Company--Pat O'Brien and Jinx Falkenburg perform During WWII.
Chennault poses with USO Troupe at Kunming China, on October 26, 1944. Left to right: Ruth Carrol, Pat O'Brien, Chennault, Jinx Falkenburg, Betty Yeaton, and Jimmy Dodd. Photo by 16th Combat Camera Unit. Image courtesy of Tony Strotman.
GIs in China enjoy time laughing at movie celebrity Pat O'Brien's jokes. Seated left to right are S/Sgt. Quisenberry, Pat O'Brien, S/Sgt. Robert L. Sorenson. Standing are S/Sgt. T. W. Wilson, Sgt. Joseph Campion, S/Sgt. Leslie Piehl, S/Sgt. Jerry Dusek, Sgt Wallace Jackson, Sgt. Henry E. Kubieck, Pvt. Gordon Escore. In rear are Pvt. Kenneth Hummel, Sgt. Andrew Adamchik, S/Sgt...
"Hurry up and wait to go home": GIs at a military base in the CBI lined up waiting to return to the US after the war. Image provided by Michael J. O'Brien.
Merrill's Marauders wounded waiting in a hallway at 234th Station Hospital. Chabua, India, 1944. Image provided by Michael J. O'Brien. In the CBI during WWII.
Church service on the ship while returning to the US after the war. Above is one of a set of images provided by Michael J. O'Brien. In the CBI during WWII.
234th Station Hospital physical therapy nurses, and personnel tents in monsoon season, 1943-44. Chabua, India. Images provided by Michael J. O'Brien.