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The wartime notebook of S/Sgt. Tom L. Grady. In his notebook, as a talented and curious young artist while in the CBI, he recorded scenes and vignettes that he saw in his life. He also recorded names and contact info for the people he met. "India. Softball game. Two-Gun (McCoy)."
Thomas Grady was a talented and curious young artist while in the CBI, and he drew a number of his observations, often capturing emotions or experiences vividly with his pencil. "Two-Gun McCoy--Cap't, pilot, at the controls."
Early crew make up, in Tucson, Sept. 1942. Front row: Lt. Columbus (navigator), Lt. Paul S. Hite (co-pilot), Lt. Edward L. McCoy (Pilot), Lt. Brown (bombardier). Back row: T/Sgt. Roy A. Whistle (radio), S/Sgt. George P. Sibulski (As. Engineer), T/Sgt. Russell F. Doman (Engineer), S/Sgt. Lester V. Bebout (tail gunner), Thomas Grady (As. Radio). Lt. Paul S. Hite would be...
Crew with B-24 "WE'REWOLVES" in the Panagar in 1943, during WWII, August 1943, Panagar, India. In top image--Standing L-R: Capt. Edward L. McCoy, 1st Lt. Earl A. Rambow, T/Sgt. Russell F. Doman, S/Sgt. Thomas L. Grady. Kneeling L-R: T/Sgt. Roy A. Whistle, 1Lt. Robert L. "Mac" McIntosh, Lt. John Miller, S/Sgt. George P. Sibulski, S/Sgt. Lester V. Bebout. In bottom...
"The best crew in World War II!" McCoy's Crew at Gaya Air Base in 1943 (both images): Back row l to r: Thomas L. Grady, (Tail Gunner); Roy A. Whistle, (Radar); Russell F. Doman, (Engineer); Lester V. Bebout (Gunner); Sibulski (Gunner) Front: Earl Rambow (Navigator). John R. Miller (Co-Pilot), Edward L. McCoy (Pilot), Robert 'Mac' McIntosh (Bombardier) (Thanks John Olin...
GIs at work in the 961st Petroleum Products Laboratory at Tinsukia, India, during WWII: Staff Sgt. John A. McCoy, Sgt. Fredrickson, Lt. Pribyl, and Staff Sgt Alexander Kaminski.
GIs at work in the 961st Petroleum Products Laboratory at Tinsukia, India, during WWII: Sgt. Fredrickson, Staff Sgt Alexander Kaminski, and Staff Sgt. John A. McCoy.
Scenes around Calcutta, India, during WWII, including a charcoal-burning car. GIs Kehr, McCoy, MacMillen, and Gross.