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GIs of the 2005th Ordnance Maintenance Company, 28th Air Depot Group, at engraver stand, possibly in Barrackpore, India.
Men of the 2005th Ordnance Maintenance Company, 28th Air Depot Group, possibly in Barrackpore, India, pose with local man, possibly their barracks attendant.
Men of the 2005th Ordnance Maintenance Company, 28th Air Depot Group, possibly in Barrackpore, India posing with Indian staff (left to right): Henry M. Geist Edmond R. Schumacher (kneeling) John F. Schuhart Samso Irwin Schneckloth
Pvt. John F. Schuhart in training stateside, #373331100, 2005th Ordnance Maintenance Company (2005th Ord. M. Co.-A.F.), 28th Air Depot Group. Later Sgt. Schuhart was stationed at locations such as APO 492 (Barrackpore, India), and at least some of the photos were sent from there to his mother, Mrs. Anna Schuhart, in Selden, Kansas (for 9 cents). During training before deployment...
"My boat #327, an MTL (Motor Tour, Launch) of the 327th Harbor Craft Company. Diesel powered-single screw. Crewed by three men. Landing at Hastings Mill where we sometimes ate and enjoyed a movie at HQ 20th Bomber Command. We usually ate and slept aboard or ate at Budge-Budge, Hastings, Barrackpore, or other exotic ports of call. I think that is...
Barracks At Barrackpore, India, around November, 1943. In the CBI during WWII. From Kenneth M. Sumney.
Fire station of the 2085th Fire Fighting Platoon at Barrackpore. In the CBI. Photo from R. D. Nolan.