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Spray and Pray Squadron

3rd Bomb Squadron's B-25J "Smilin' Jack" (named after the popular 3rd Bomb Squadron commander, Maj. Jack M. Hamilton, thence “Smilin’ Jack”). This B-25, A/C #714, serial #43-27809, was taking off from Liangshan on mission #112A to bomb and strafe railroad yards at Loyang when the pilot lost control and crashed just to the side of the runway. 3nd Bomb Squadron...
Sgt. Andrew R. Allegretto chats with Chinese airmen, with a B-25 in the background. Sgt. Allegretto received the Air Medal for flying on a hazardous mission as part of the "Spray and Pray Squadron," part of CACW. Andrew Ralph Allegretto in CBI arrived aboard MISSION BAY. He volunteered for some of the squadron’s most perilous missions. ALLEGRETTO, Andrew Ralph ("Swifty"...
1st Lt. Robert L. Logan stands at attention as ta Chinese Air Force staff officer adjusts his new Chinese Air Force Wings. Lt. Logan received his wings based on his service in CACW, as a leader of the "Spray and Pray Squadron."