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Huang 黄

Four Chinese soldiers pose in Yunnan during WWII: Capt. Lao Chi Ming (Luo Jiming; 罗季明). Major Liu Tien Shung (Liu Tianxiong; 刘天雄). Capt. Chao Lien Sing (Zhao ??sheng 赵??声). Capt. Wang Chin Lung (Huang Jinlong; 黄金龙).
Chinese ground crews clean 50 cal. machine guns during WWII. Left to right: Sgts. Huang Wan-yi, Liu Hantao, and Toeng Tac-Han Image courtesy of Tony Strotman.
Troop review in Burma between Chinese and American officers and troops in 1945. Lt. Daniel I Sultan and Gen. Wei Li-huang return a salute as they review Chinese troops from Burma and China near Muse, China, after clearing Japanese troops from the Stillwell Road.
HUANG Xiling and SUN Hong with James Vaughn's cousin Jim Brunson in Bronte, Texas, at a memorial marker, in 2002. This was part of our project visit to learn more of the story of James Vaughn and the impact of his loss. Photo by Patrick Lucas.
Images from January 13, 2008 search for an MIA site in Tian'e county, Guangxi province. Carrol D. Gregory and another American were lost at a site called "Tungloa" on February 7, 1945, and we sought out this site. The images under this title are from a site that matches very closely the record of Gregory's loss at "Tungloa." Here we...
Patrick LUCAS working with Mr. SU at the Hengyang television station to translate interviews with Haynes' family into Chinese so that they could be used in a series of television appeals to people in the Hengyang area for clues or information regarding the loss of Albert L. Haynes. HUANG Xiling videotapes in the background.
Researchers, government officials, media, and eyewitnesses near the site of Haynes' remains, in Hengyang, Hunan, China.
Mr. SU, and Mr. LUCAS interview old timers in the village. This home is only a few meters from the pond where the remains rest. Mr. HUANG Xiling video tapes.
Mr. HUANG Xiling and Patrick LUCAS at the site.
'Remembering Shared Honor visit to the DeLeeuw home. Please click here to see more about Carl M. Deleeuw '