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WWII era pin up girl, 1942. Collected by Lt. Irving DeGon.
WWII era pin up girl, on a swing, 1942. Collected by Lt. Irving DeGon.
WWII era pin up girl, smoking a cigarette, 1942. Collected by Lt. Irving DeGon.
WWII era pin up girl in repose, collected by Lt. Irving DeGon.
43rd Fighter Squadron class 43C training at Randolph Field, Texas, around March, 1943. Irving DeGon is front row, fourth from the left.
1st Lt. Irving Woodrow DeGon poses with Fairchild PT-26 trainer at primary training in Parks Air College, Illinois.
1st Lt. Irving Woodrow DeGon passes in front on tent carrying flying gear while in training. Finished on June 1, 1942, by Levingston's Photo Service, Lake Charles, Louisiana. This is during his period of advanced training at Barksdale Field, Louisiana.
1st Lt. Irving Woodrow DeGon was killed on January 20, 1944, Chabua, India, in a plane crash while piloting a C-46 (#741) during a take off from an airfield, along with crew members named Smith, Shea, and Gray. He was starting his 8th month as a transport pilot in the India-China Wing Army Transportation Corps (ICWATC), and had made 30...