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Street scene in Kunming, China, and arch with "天开云瑞"坊. During WWII.
Map showing location of presumed U. S. serviceman's remains 3.8 miles north of Hengyang (at the yellow thumbtack). Note how well this matches the map drawn by memory by Donald Lopez, in Hayne's IDPF. Here is another view. (Map image courtesy of Google Earth)
Street scene in SW China. During WWII.
American CBI flyer Albert Haynes with a Spitfire in Britain, where he volunteered before going to China. During WWII.
Chinese workers pulling a concrete roller at a field in China, probably in Hunan Province or Guangxi Province. During WWII.
Researchers, government officials, media, and eyewitnesses near the site of Haynes' remains, in Hengyang, Hunan, China.
Patrick LUCAS working with Mr. SU at the Hengyang television station to translate interviews with Haynes' family into Chinese so that they could be used in a series of television appeals to people in the Hengyang area for clues or information regarding the loss of Albert L. Haynes. HUANG Xiling videotapes in the background.
The Laiyan Pagoda (来雁塔) in Hengyang in November 2007, little changed from when GIs at the airbase there photographed it 60 year ago, which can be seen here.