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American officers and cute gal stateside. Nic Dekker, Dorothy Vandergray, and Walter Lescher Dowling. During WWII.
Fascinating stateside photo of a possible combined unit of American and Chinese (or Chinese American) troops.
David K. Hayward, 22nd Bombardment Squadron, in pilot's position of one of the squadron's B-25 Mitchell aircraft at their home station, Chakulia, India, 1943. During WWII.
The crew of a B-24 during training stateside. Top row, left to right: 2nd Lt. William Staskiewicz (bombardier) 2nd Lt. William U. DuMond (navigator) 2nd Lt. John P. Burkett (pilot) 2nd Lt. Wallace I. Ackerman (copilot) Top row, left to right: Cpl. Norman P. Reuter (asst. radio op) S/Sgt. Claude L. Crosby (ass't. engineer) S/Sgt. Herbert W. Robbs (engineer) Cpl...
The "Burma Queen" in China during WWII. A Chinese guard keeps post in the merciful shade of the wing and a crew arms bombs on the ground not far from him. The crew of B-24J serial #42-73253, of the 425th Squadron, got lost in weather during return from bombing the city of Changsha on 22 July, 1944. When fuel ran...
American flyers with the B-24 "Burma Queen," serial #42-73253, of the 425th Squadron, almost certainly in China. During WWII. Unknown exactly who they are, but they might be pilot Glenn Lowe, copilot Joel Grayson, and others who usually flew the plane. In China, on one mission another crew would "borrow" this B-24 for a mission and were eventually forced to...
Sgt. Andrew R. Allegretto chats with Chinese airmen, with a B-25 in the background. Sgt. Allegretto received the Air Medal for flying on a hazardous mission as part of the "Spray and Pray Squadron," part of CACW. Andrew Ralph Allegretto in CBI arrived aboard MISSION BAY. He volunteered for some of the squadron’s most perilous missions. ALLEGRETTO, Andrew Ralph ("Swifty"...
Flyers with a P-40 in the CBI. The plane shows the emblem of the "CHINA'S BLITZER" 23rd Fighter Group. "Standing, left-to-right, toward wing of P-40 fighter then on the engine cowl toward the propeller: Hall, Haynes, Rogers, Anderson, Bavuso, Machin, Nollmeyer CO, Davis, Stiles, Norton, Weller, Marshall, Baglio, Headly, Deveer, Macdonald. 26-87A.