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Burma Road engineers pick up goodies at camp in Burma--including Butterfinger bars, soap, chocolate syrup, etc. During WWII.
Engineers of the 797th Engineer Forestry Company eating meal at camp in Burma. During WWII.
Chinese military graveyard in Burma, with a small pavillion. During WWII. “忠魂停”
Allied graveyard in Burma. During WWII.
Engineers of the 797th Engineer Forestry Company at work on a truck in Burma. During WWII.
Outdoor amphitheater for 797th Engineer Forestry Company, in Burma, built into circular hillside, with logs for seats. During WWII.
Engineers of the 797th Engineer Forestry Company at work at a truck repair garage at camp in Burma. During WWII.
Aerial view of Burma Road bridge under construction amid rice paddies. During WWII.