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Buildings in camp in Burma. During WWII. 797th Engineer Forestry Company.
Buildings in camp in Burma. During WWII. 797th Engineer Forestry Company.
GIs load cut lumber at saw mill in Burma for transport to sites of bridge building. During WWII. 797th Engineer Forestry Company.
GIs load cut lumber at saw mill in Burma for transport to sites of bridge building. During WWII. 797th Engineer Forestry Company.
GIs working in a kitchen in a camp in Burma. During WWII. 797th Engineer Forestry Company.
Bulldozer on ferry on river in Burma. During WWII. 797th Engineer Forestry Company.
Trucks on ferry on river in Burma. During WWII. 797th Engineer Forestry Company.
GI insect and butterfly collection in Burma. During WWII. 797th Engineer Forestry Company.