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Sgt. Vern P. Martin posing with helmet and carbine in China during WWII. In China, mostly 1944, at only two postings, Luliang and Chenggong, near Kunming. In service period from November 6, 1942 to January 18, 1946. He was a member of 308th Heavy Bomb Group of the 14th Air force, serving in China during 1943 & 1944 "as a...
Vern Martin and his brother, Marion "Marty" Martin, were both in China for a time, undoubtedly causing confusion for anyone who needed to not confuse the two.
Charles Klaes leans against back of tombstone at base at Yunnan, China. During WWII.
Vern Martin and Robert Piche pose on base at Yunnan, China. During WWII.
Mechanics pose with 373rd Bombardment Squadron HQ sign, presumably at Luliang air base, Yunnan, China. During WWII.
Four radar mechanics, Vern Martin, Ira Underwood, Tom Cook, and Bill Lesak, near Chenggong air base, Yunnan, China. During WWII. .
GIs exploring, carbines in hand, in the countryside near Chenggong air base, Yunnan, China. During WWII. Sam Hansen, Bill Lesak, Vern Martin. Ira Underwood.
Radar mechanics pose for the camera. Back: Sam Hansen, Vern Martin, and George Wachs. Front: Bill Lesak. In WWII.