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Irwin W. Hayden, from Atwood, Kansas. 2005th Ordnance Maintenance Company, 28th Air Depot Group.
Pvt. Ammon M. Teeter, from Grinnell, Kansas. 2005th Ordnance Maintenance Company, 28th Air Depot Group.
S/Sgt. Carroll B. Duncan, MIA-KIA from the CBI. "Missing on Combat Mission over Anjen, China." (Anren county, Hunan province 湖南省安仁县). Actual death date 23 Aug 1944, MIA China However, it was many years before a headstone was ordered from the government, finally ordered by his mother, Anna M. Duncan, on March 27, 1961. A flat bronze marker, with latin cross...
Local gravestones in Yunnan, China, during WWII.
GI with dog on base in Yunnan, China, during WWII.
Farm men in rural China near an American base during WWII.
An image showing the GI photographer and collector of these photos (name unknown) sitting in front of a tomb, in Yunnan province, China.
A dam and and falls about 8 miles southeast of the Luliang air base area in Yunnan province, China, where the GIs went to swim and relax. During WWII.