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Unloadeding AAC equipment from C-47 at Tengchong airstrip. December 14, 1944. Photo by T/Sgt. S. L. Greenberg. 164th Signal Photographic Company, APO 627. Passed by William E. Whitten.
Col. James O. Wade of New York poses at what should be the Southwestern Association University Of Kunming, Yunnan Province, on December 16, 1944. Photo by Pfc. Thomas F. Melvin. Passed by censor Emanuel Goldberg.
Burials of 1st Lt. John B. Leskie (middle initial corrected, for "Benard"), Flight Officer John G. Meuth, 2nd Lt. Lawrence A. Swanson, S/Sgt. Edward Lietener, Sgt. David H. Randolph. All men were members of the 322nd Troop Carrier Squadron. Maj. Gen. Wedemeyer and Maj. Gen. G. X. Cheves were present at the funeral ceremony. Their unarmed transport plane crashed--in some...
A GI tries out a shoulder pole in China during WWII.
T/5 Theodore E. Eitel directs children in cleaning his Burma Road Engineers truck, after a day of hauling rock for the Kao Tien district of the Burma Road being built from Lungling, China, to meet the Ledo Road at the Burma border. Yunnan Province on December 1, 1944. Photo by T/Sgt. Greenberg. B-Detachment, 164th Signal Photographic Company, APO 627. Passed...
Eating banquet dinner at party at Governor Lung's of Yunnan Province on December 16, 1944. Secretary Liang Yu-kao, and Gen. Liu Ya-yang. Photo by Pfc. Thomas F. Melvin. Passed by censor William E. Whitten.
VIPs at a Rotary International meeting at Southwestern Association University Of Kunming, Yunnan Province, on December 15, 1944. Col. Elbert W. Martin, Mr. F. T. Ching, Mr. Everitt Groff-Smith, Gen. G. . Wong, Col. Burton E. Vaughn Photo by Pfc. Thomas F. Melvin.
Shown working on D7 Bulldozer at Tengchong BRE Camp, after it was brought over the Hump, are L to R, Pvt. William Guthrie, and T/4 Curtiss R. Greenwood. Photo by T/Sgt. Greenberg. Passed by censor Emanuel Goldberg.