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10th Air Force

2nd Lt. Paul S. Hite was killed while flying with another crew on March 26, 1943. The plane he was on crash on take off on a combat mission. Eight of the nine people on that flight died, with S/Sgt. Harvey Cook as the sole survivor. Lt. Hite enlisted on April 30, 1940. ASN O-791435. He was born on February...
Early crew make up, in Tucson, Sept. 1942. Front row: Lt. Columbus (navigator), Lt. Paul S. Hite (co-pilot), Lt. Edward L. McCoy (Pilot), Lt. Brown (bombardier). Back row: T/Sgt. Roy A. Whistle (radio), S/Sgt. George P. Sibulski (As. Engineer), T/Sgt. Russell F. Doman (Engineer), S/Sgt. Lester V. Bebout (tail gunner), Thomas Grady (As. Radio). Lt. Paul S. Hite would be...
Crew with B-24 "WE'REWOLVES" in the Panagar in 1943, during WWII, August 1943, Panagar, India. In top image--Standing L-R: Capt. Edward L. McCoy, 1st Lt. Earl A. Rambow, T/Sgt. Russell F. Doman, S/Sgt. Thomas L. Grady. Kneeling L-R: T/Sgt. Roy A. Whistle, 1Lt. Robert L. "Mac" McIntosh, Lt. John Miller, S/Sgt. George P. Sibulski, S/Sgt. Lester V. Bebout. In bottom...
"The best crew in World War II!" McCoy's Crew at Gaya Air Base in 1943 (both images): Back row l to r: Thomas L. Grady, (Tail Gunner); Roy A. Whistle, (Radar); Russell F. Doman, (Engineer); Lester V. Bebout (Gunner); Sibulski (Gunner) Front: Earl Rambow (Navigator). John R. Miller (Co-Pilot), Edward L. McCoy (Pilot), Robert 'Mac' McIntosh (Bombardier) (Thanks John Olin...
S/Sgt. Thomas Lonergan Grady, tail gunner in a B-24 in the CBI during WWII, February - December, 1943. A total of 48 missions flown. Also an artist, and witness to things good and things heartbreaking during the war. He was born in Boston on June 11, 1918, to attorney Frederic J. Grady and Eleanor C. (O'Brion) Grady. He was an...
T/Sgt. Walter F. Casselberry, #33247620. Williamsburg, Pennsylvania. Born January 1, 1907, died October 4, 1944. T/Sgt. Casselberry entered service in July, 1942, with a high school education, and a background in poultry farming. He received training as both an armorer-gunner and a bombardier. After training, T/Sgt. Casselberry flew more than 50 missions--a very large count--in the Mediterranean theater. He is...
S/Sgt. Harold V. Rightbower was a gunner on B-24J #42-73315 assigned to the 10th Air Force, 7th Bombardment Group, 9th Bombardment Squadron. He and the remainder of the crew tragically lost on take off on August 14, 1944 from a Kurmitola, India, on the way to Liuzhou, China. See more on that event here. S/Sgt. Rightbower was born May 28...
T/Sgt William Gilbert Pierce was radio operator on B-24J #42-73315 assigned to the 10th Air Force, 7th Bombardment Group, 9th Bombardment Squadron. He and the remainder of the crew tragically lost on take off on August 14, 1944 from a Kurmitola, India, on the way to Liuzhou, China. See more on that event here. T/Sgt Pierce was from Coffey County...
L B Kriner was a gunner on B-24J #42-73315 assigned to the 10th Air Force, 7th Bombardment Group, 9th Bombardment Squadron. He and the remainder of the crew tragically lost on take off on August 14, 1944 from a Kurmitola, India, on the way to Liuzhou, China. See more on that event here. He was the son of Walter R...