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T/5 Theodore E. Eitel directs children in cleaning his Burma Road Engineers truck, after a day of hauling rock for the Kao Tien district of the Burma Road being built from Lungling, China, to meet the Ledo Road at the Burma border. Yunnan Province on December 1, 1944. Photo by T/Sgt. Greenberg. B-Detachment, 164th Signal Photographic Company, APO 627. Passed...
Capt. O. D. Propps, American Liaison Officer, and Col. Tung Tau, commanding 388 Regiment, 130th Division, 53rd Chinese Army, inspect captured Japanese heavy machine gun, captured on Li La Hill northwest of Chefang. This machine gun fires 7.92 mm ammunition. Yunnan Province on November 28, 1944. Photo by T/5 W. E. Shemorry. B-Detachment, 164th Signal Photographic Company, APO 627. Passed...
Eating banquet dinner at party at Governor Lung's of Yunnan Province on December 16, 1944. Secretary Liang Yu-kao, and Gen. Liu Ya-yang. Photo by Pfc. Thomas F. Melvin. Passed by censor William E. Whitten.
Party at Governor Lung's of Yunnan Province on December 16, 1944. Gen. Lu Han, Maj. Gen. Wedemeyer, and Gen. Kwan. Photo by Pfc. Thomas F. Melvin. Passed by censor William E. Whitten.
S/Sgt. Ira M. Brown, Corning, Iowa, receives Purple Heart from Col. D. L. Clark, Standing bedside are Lt. Col. A. A. Leonidoff, Col. J. C. Kennedy, and Lt. Col. John Groupman. According to report in his hometown paper, The Adams County Free Press (Iowa), on March 15, 1945, S/Sgt. Brown had been wounded in battle, and had been a gunner...