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Several P-51s in a row after snowfall at a base in the CBI during WWII, the closest with tail #410788.
An American serviceman in a P-51 fighter, serial #44-11097, in the CBI during WWII.
An American serviceman stands next to a P-51 fighter named "Toni".
Another area where Lt. Garner might rest. The other area is behind the brick wall on the left of the basketball court.
CACW mechanics Sgt. R. G. Miller, and Sgt. Fu Yong Chie work on P-51 fighter in China during WWII.
T/Sgt. Murphy D. Shell explains the intricacies of carburetor operation. with a model of P-51 systems set up behind him, to pilots and mechanics. In China.
A flyer with a P-51 Mustang fighter, probably at an American air base in China. During WWII. This appears to be Ernest W. Garner.
Numerous P-51s lined at Assam, India, 1944, including serials #473932, and #415582.
Lt. Ernest Garner’s who disappeared over Shanxi province, China in the spring of 1945. Not even a letter from a respected general promising that, "Every possible effort has been and will continue to be made to locate your son," would be enough for Lt. Ernest Garner’s family after he disappeared over Shanxi province, China in the spring of 1945. Chennault’s...
A P-51 fighter plane lands in front of a row of other P-51s in the CBI.