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Stanley Mamlock posing before propeller of a P-51 in the CBI. During WWII.
Stanley Mamlock posing before P-51 in the CBI. During WWII.
' The photographer and collector of the images in the Roubinek Collection in Yunnan province, China, during WWII. We know very little about this CBI veteran or the background of these images. See an overview here. An image from the Roubinek Collection, showing local scenes and local people in Yunnan province, China, most likely around the Luliang air base area...
A L-5 Stinson, tail number #298836, at an American base. C-46s, B-24s, and P-51s is various states of disassembly can be seen in the background. Yunnan province, China, during WWII.
The P-51 fighter, "Mike." C/C Ballew, pilot Hobart. In China during WWII.
The P-51 fighter, "Mike." C/C Ballew, pilot Hobart. In China during WWII.
General Chennault on the flight line in conference with pilot officers, navigators, and bombardiers, while a camera crew catches it all in this contrived scene. In China, during WWII. See another set of related images here.
The allied attack on Tengchong (Tengchung) in Yunnan province, China, during WWII, showing the city wall. Note American P-51 in flight. Photo by F. D. Manwarren.