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341st Bombardment Group

Captain Joseph T. Callaway was part of the original 341st Bomb Group Cadre. Arriving in India as a Lieutenant in May of 1942, he was assigned to the 22nd Bomb Squadron, where he gained experience, rank and became a Flight Leader. Although he had completed his required combat flying time and was eligible to return to the USA, he volunteered...
At the actual crash site at the bank of the Yangtze (Changjiang) river, in Anhui province on November 10, 2007, near Liuhe village, Wangjiang county. Mr. Feng (79 years old), who arrived at the crash scene in the afternoon on the day of the crash in 1943, recounts to Patrick Lucas, of Remembering Shared Honor, what he saw there. Mr...
After a day of search and verification, the crash site was finally confirmed at coordinates 30 20.654 N 116 53.688 E, which is about 14 miles from Anqing city (listed as "Anking" in war-era documentation). Note that this location much more closely matches the estimated distance from Anqing, at 12 miles, given in the accounts by the crew of the...
On December 30, 1943 two American B-25s bombers took off from the Suichuan airbase (Jiangxi province) and proceeded north to search the Yangtze (Changjiang) river for Japanese targets of opportunity. Finding a Japanese gunboad on the river near Anqing city (Anking) in Anhui province, the first B-25 made an attack run on the ship, then the second plane followed, but...
Major Gen. Charles B. Stone, and another officer, riding a 341st Bomb Group, 14th Air Force, jeep during a visit to Yangkai on the August 29, 1945. The jeep has stenciled "Chabua" (India), however groups and materials moved around, so it is not surprising to see this jeep in China, especially by the summer of 1945.
Harland B. Keating in flying gear in posed image from August 6, 1942. (Image courtesy of Temple University Libraries, Special Collections Research Center.) Harland B. Keating, 11th Bomb Squadron, who was killed on December 30, 1943 while on a bombing run on the Yangtze river. We plan to never forget. To read about our search and visit to Harland Keating...
(This item about Finley Howard Ganoe copied with appreciation from Gary Fields at in 2007, and originally written over 10 years before that. If anyone has additional images or information to provide regarding Mr. Ganoe, please contact Patrick Lucas at HOMETOWN HERO Finley Howard Ganoe March 8th, 1924 ~ January 12th, 1943 "The Department of War told me...
The notation provided by Al on the back of the photo is simply, "Waiting to evacuate." This is just prior to the Japanese over running the base (at Liuzhou or Guilin) in October 1944, as part of Ichigo.
Peter Fensel 22nd sg. Jim Flanagan 491st, Dan Loring 11sg (left to right) . Vicki II was Pete's airplane (re-ferried from U.S.) James Flanagan, pilot/Ops Officer 491st Bm Sq, then Ops Officer 341st Bm Grp. Jim was leader of the four 491st B-25s which, along with 4 11th Squadron planes led by Dan Loring (mission leader) departed Luichow (Liuzhou) on...
Jim Lane in tail gun (.50 cal.) put in B-25 #81, summer of 1943, Chaukulia, India, as a field modification (see more about this modification here). This should be B-25D-15, #41-30381, assigned to the 491BS/341BG while the unit was stationed at Chakulia. (Thanks for the research and information supplied by Yves Marino and Tony Strotman.)