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341st Bombardment Group

Jim Lane in first 25 tail gun (.50 cal.) position put in as a field modification by Red Cummings, about August, 1943, Chaukulia, India (see more background about this modification here). This should be B-25D-15, #41-30381, assigned to the 491BS/341BG while the unit was stationed at Chakulia. (Thanks for the research and information supplied by Yves Marino and Tony Strotman.)
“This is a B-25 C/F/G I worked on in 2 years in India & China.The plane was in Alameda, CA helping to celebrate Navy/Fleet Week in Oct. 1995" --Frank Willard Bates, Sr. Frank W. Bates was a member of 491st Bomb Squadron, and served in the CBI during WWII. Assigned to 491st on December 1, 1942 as an Aircraft Maintenance...
Three members of the 341st Bombardment Group pose in the CBI during WWII. Dan Loring (11th Squadron) on the right.
S/Sgt. Carroll B. Duncan, MIA-KIA from the CBI. "Missing on Combat Mission over Anjen, China." (Anren county, Hunan province 湖南省安仁县). Actual death date 23 Aug 1944, MIA China However, it was many years before a headstone was ordered from the government, finally ordered by his mother, Anna M. Duncan, on March 27, 1961. A flat bronze marker, with latin cross...