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341st Bombardment Group

An aerial photograph of a railway bridge being bombed by the 491st Bomb Squadron in Yunnan or Indochina, during WWII.
An aerial photograph taken from an American war plane over a Japanese-held railway in SW China or Indo-China during WWII in the CBI.
An American celebrity, Mary Landa, dancing in the CBI, at Yangkai. Performance at "Last Resort" building on base.
Mary Landa, an American celebrity, in the CBI.
American and Chinese military leaders meet to discuss battle in the CBI using a topographical model made of adobe bricks and dirt. During WWII. Notice what appears to be a woman in civilian clothing sitting on a sedan chair on the left. (Images provided via Tony Strotman)
This image shows US vehicles in the midst of retreat in China during WWII, 1944. (Images provided via Tony Strotman)
An American B-25D bomber flies at minimum altitude, probably during training/practice of 'low-level attack techniques.' Note the triangular peak just in front of the aircraft. This is probably piled up dirt and sand bags, used as the 'target' to learn and practice, especially for 'skip bombing'. See related image here. B-25 pilots of the Tenth Air Force (341st Bomb Group)...
A B-25 of the Ringer Squadron under maintenance, having its engines swapped, at Yangkai in the CBI during WWII. Tall man wearing service (billed) cap in both photos is Capt. William DeVries, Engineering Office. He was named 'Tall Sahib' by native workers while the squadron was stationed in India.
Capt Kenneth R. Bridges (pilot), 491st Bomb Squadron, was killed in the crash of "Niagra's Belle" (43-3906) on 19 January 1945. His aircraft was one of four on a mission to bomb the railroad bridge at Dap-Cu, French Indo-China. Over the target his aircraft was hit by automatic weapons fire, damaging the right engine and causing it to quit as...
Gen. Claire Chennault during a "surprise" visit to the 341st Bomb Group HQ at Yangkai Air Base, China. He came for a briefing of a new bombing technique, "glip" bombing. The B-25s of the Group became quite successful in destroying bridges using this method. (Information from Tony Strotman)