In these remarkable two images, we see a small town in Guangxi Province, SW China, being bombed by American B-25 bombers. In the upper image, just seconds before the bombs hit, one can see the streets filled tightly with trucks of a convoy, with many people milling or running about. This is during the Japanese 'Ichigo' push of summer or fall 1944. The crowds are especially large and dense for the time (see blow up of street scene, below).
In the second image, the town is struck by bombs (and additional bombs can be seen in the air in the upper part of the image). The bombing must have been devastating for the convoy, and for the Chinese civilian gathered around--Usually Chinese civilians would flee towns in front of the Japanese whenever they could, especially during Ichigo (see a more typical town with a Japanese convoy under bombing, with Chinese civilians mostly gone, here), but in this case, sadly, this convoy is Chinese military, and the dense crowds of Chinese civilians (both local people and refugees fleeing the Japanese) are not afraid of the Allied aircraft above and do not flee before the bombing.

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六zhai--book p. 284