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Young American 2nd Lieutenant

U.S. Army Air Forces (Air Corps) 2nd Lieutenant Harold R. Frederick in a photo he dedicated to Eugene Wozniak, "To Wazzy--The Hurrell of the 491st."

U.S. Army Air Forces (Air Corps) 2nd Lieutenant Harold R. Frederick in a photo he dedicated to Eugene Wozniak, "To Wazzy--The Hurrell of the 491st."

Lt. Frederick refers to Wozniak's nickname, 'Wazzy', and provides him a great complement by comparing him with George Hurrell. Hurrell made a significant contribution to the image of glamour presented by Hollywood during the 1930s and 1940s by photographing many of the movie stars, including Jean Harlow, Joan Crawford, Bette Davis, Ann Sheridan, Errol Flynn, Humphrey Bogart and James Cagney.

(Information provided by Tony Strotman)

Eugene T. Wozniak Collection