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Posing with the B-25J #439, "Niagra's Belle", this air crew of the 491st Bomb Squadron includes (l-r, back) Capt. James E. Andrews (pilot), T/Sgt George A. Penny (flight engineer), Lt. Frank J. Belot (bombardier) and (l-r, front) T/Sgt John W. Schmidt (radio), S/Sgt David E. Williams (armorer-gunner). Photo was taken at Yangkai, China. (Information provided by Tony Strotman)
Headshot image of Kenneth R. Williams in uniform during WWII.
Kenneth Williams in Kunming with a fanged P-40 named 'Jinx'. Notice the bent propellers.
Kenneth Williams after being injured in allied friendly-fire bombing. November 5, 1943. At Baoshan (Paoshan), China, near Burma. During WWII.
Buddhist statues in China during WWII.
A "village host" family in SW China during WWII, probably Tengchong.
An American transport plane drops supplies by parachute somewhere in the CBI.
Chinese civilians eat a nice meal in the CBI during WWII.
Japanese war dead in Yunnan during WWII.
Newspaper clippings saved while overseas by Kenneth Williams.