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Chinese soldier

A group of local soldiers--likely a local militia or local KMT-affiliated warlord soldiers--in Yunnan, China, during WWII. They are standing before a temple.
An unknown American photographer and a language interpreter take a stroll about in Yunnan, China, during WWII.
Photographer Eugene Wozniak and a language interpreter take a stroll about in Yunnan, China, during WWII.
Photographer Eugene Wozniak and a language interpreter take a stroll about in Yunnan, China, during WWII.
Chinese soldiers pose in a row. In Yunnan, China, during WWII.
In left image a Chinese officer and Eugene Wozniak pose together; in the right image two Chinese officers pose together. In Yunnan, China, during WWII.
Four Chinese soldiers pose in Yunnan during WWII: Capt. Lao Chi Ming (Luo Jiming; 罗季明). Major Liu Tien Shung (Liu Tianxiong; 刘天雄). Capt. Chao Lien Sing (Zhao ??sheng 赵??声). Capt. Wang Chin Lung (Huang Jinlong; 黄金龙).
Guarded gates of the Nationalist Kunming Air Force Officer Training School during WWII, with C-46 transports.
Guarded gates of the Nationalist Kunming Air Force Officer Training School during WWII, with C-46 transports.
Guarded gates of the Nationalist Kunming Air Force Officer Training School during WWII, with C-46 transports, and a fuel trailer (on the far right).