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Refugees carry possession while fleeing around either Liuzhou or Guilin during the evacuation before the Japanese Ichigo advance in 1944, in Guangxi province.
Refugees fleeing around either Liuzhou or Guilin during the evacuation before the Japanese Ichigo advance in 1944, in Guangxi province.
A retreating Chinese soldier pulls and ox while fleeing around either Liuzhou or Guilin during the evacuation before the Japanese Ichigo advance in 1944, in Guangxi province.
A refugee child rides a cart near around either Liuzhou or Guilin during the evacuation before the Japanese Ichigo advance in 1944, in Guangxi province.
A refugee tugs on an ox near either Liuzhou or Guilin during the evacuation before the Japanese Ichigo advance in 1944, in Guangxi province.
Refugee child being carried while fleeing around either Liuzhou or Guilin during the evacuation before the Japanese Ichigo advance in 1944, in Guangxi province.
2 July 1944 Enroute with Kweilin evacuation party. Small Chinese evacuee hitches a ride on our train stops. She carries all her meager possessions, bound for she knows not where, hopeful only for safety. Pre-focused grab shot. All Chinese females intensely dislike cameras. They are unusually shy, especially evacuees. Photo: H. P. Mcadams, Liuzhou station China.
October 7, 1944 Congestion and lack of sanitation shown in crowded station at Liuchow (Liuzhou), Kwangsi (Guangxi) as refugees wait movement westward during WWII. Photo: Lt. N. J. Dain, Liuzhou, China.
September 28, 1944 During WWII, food sellers from Liuchow, China, set up stands to cater to the hungry refugees from Kweilin (Guilin) escaping the Japanese drive into southwest China. Photo by Lt. N. J. Dain
September 27, 1944 During WWII, arms and ammunition wait on the siding at Liuchow as the railhead is jammed with refugees fleeing the Japanese march on Kweilin (Guilin). Photo by Lt. N. J. Dain