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Hengyang 衡阳

Researchers, government officials, media, and eyewitnesses near the site of Haynes' remains, in Hengyang, Hunan, China.
Mr. SU, and Mr. LUCAS interview old timers in the village. This home is only a few meters from the pond where the remains rest. Mr. HUANG Xiling video tapes.
Mr. HUANG Xiling and Patrick LUCAS at the site.
The pond where the American serviceman's remains supposedly rest, with an elderly eyewitness, Mr. Peng, 84 years old, who was kind enough to recount everything he saw on that day 60 years before, and to personally take us to the site.
1st Lt. Albert Lloyd Haynes Jr. of the 26th Fighter Squadron, 51st Fighter Group, 14th Air Force. Lt. Albert (Pappy) Haynes was a P-40 (#43-11365) pilot who was shot down and lost on July 5th, 1944 over Hengyang, Hunan Province returning from escorting B-25s after taking off from Guilin. Albert's thoughts of flying came from his grandfather's side of the...
Various scenes at American air bases in China during WWII. It is not sure which bases are shown in these images, or if they are of the same base, but in the top left picture, the vehicle has "Hengyang" written on the door, which is the name of a that base in Hunan province.
On an American air base either in Guangxi province (Liuzhou or Guilin), or in Hunan (Hengyang) during WWII.
The facilities at the Hengyang airbase burn as the allies retreat in the face of the Japanese advance in the fall of 1944.
Soldiers of the 14th Air Force, aided by Chinese soldiers and workers, remove bombs from the ammunition dump preparatory to abandoning the Hengyang Airfield.