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Indian soldiers in Assam, India, during WWII, 1944.
In the India during WWII: A diseased person next to railroad tracks (top), a police officer directing traffic in Calcutta in 1944 (middle), and farm people picking rice in Assam in 1944 (bottom).
A woman carries rocks on her head in Assam, India, during 1944. Photo from R. L. Tierney.
Flight nurses Lt. L. Evelyn Hill Page, and Lt. R. Joan Reece, of the 803rd Medical Air Evacuation Transport Squadron, unpack after arrival in Assam, India, February, 1945. In the CBI during WWII.
72nd Field Hospital surgery crew, Tezpur, Assam, India, 1944, during WWII. Charlotte Gimmey, William A. O'brien, Bertha Vreusen, and Mimi Grow. Photo from Gimmey Koch.
A temple guard in Assam, India, 1944.
Aircraft #43-4978, "88", at Shamshernagar, Assam, India, 1944. This combat veteran B-25H was assigned to the 434th Bomb Squadron, 12th Bomb Group. The 12th Bomb Group moved from the Mediterranean Theater to join the 10th Air Force in india in late March 1944. They flew missions against targets in Burma until the war ended. (information provided by Tony Strotman)
Numerous P-51s lined at Assam, India, 1944, including serials #473932, and #415582.
A C-64, tail number #35302, tipped into a ditch after a tornado on the flight line at Shamshernagar, Assam (India).
A small aircraft, a Stinson L-5 Sentinel, tail number #416889, flipped over after a tornado on the flight line at Shamsernasar, Assam. A C-64, tail number #35302, is tipped into a ditch behind it. (Thanks to jbarbaud for additional information!) From the collection of David Firman, 61st Air Service Group.