Gilbert Charles Weber was a member of the 797th Engineer Forestry Company, station in Burma during WWII.
Gilbert Weber was born on April 22, 1924, and graduated from Rockville High School in the class of 1942 and was then employed by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Bureau of Plant Quarantine.
Gilbert Weber registered for the draft on June 30, 1942. On June 28 1943, he enlisted in the U.S. Army from Hartford Connecticut, and was assigned to the 797th Forestry Engineers, and trained at Camp Claiborne, Louisiana. On assignment, he operated a sawmill in the China Burma India Theatre (1943-1946) building the Ledo/Burma Road. Upon his discharge from active service in February of 1946, he served in the Army Reserves from 1950-1954, in the 76th Infantry Division.
Gilbert attended Hillyer College and was then hired as a plumber with Schaeffer Company in Rockville, until his retirement in 1992. He was a member of the CBI (China Burma India) Veterans Association and was a Past Senior Vice Commander of the Connecticut Yankee Basha. He was a life member of the American Legion; and being an avid fisherman (tying hundreds of fishing flies) was a member of the Coventry Game Club. Gil was a great gardener and enjoyed reading and traveling.
In April 1950 he married Jean Conrady in Rockville, Connecticut, and had a short motor trip to Williamsburg, Virginia, as honeymoon. Both had attended the same high school. They had a son and daughter.
Mr. Gilbert passed away on March 5, 2020. He was 95 years old.
(Additional information/text courtesy of obituary at Hartford Courant and other online sources.)