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Camp Schiel in Modern Era

Remains of the American Camp Schiel rest camp, to the east of Kunming at the north end of Yangzonghai (阳宗海) lake, in 2007.

Remains of the American Camp Schiel rest camp, to the east of Kunming at the north end of Yangzonghai (阳宗海) lake, in 2007.  At that time the rest camp had recently been abandoned by the PLA, who had used it for many years. Many of the buildings and pathways were the original structures from the WWII era. In another visit in 2015, it seemed the rest camp had been torn down. 

The second image is of the same location as in the historical image below (but taken from the opposite direction).  One can see the same path, and same buildings--could those even be the same trees, now grown large, as are seen as seedlings in the historical image?
Camp Schiel in Modern Era