Colonel William D. Hopson and crew with their shark-teeth painted B-24; kissing the plane. At Palm Beach, Florida, after safe return to the US post-war. B-24 serial #44-51040. Painted under the nose window, "Maj. Dick Young," which may refer to Richard B. Young, who was in the original cadre, navigator of #42-40062 "FIVE BY FIVE." (Thanks metteor51.)
Image(s) from someone in the 14th AF HQ & HQ Squadron or 18th Photo Intelligence Detachment. These images were part of a fairly large subset among the images collected by the editors of Ex-CBI Roundup. This subset contains a wide range of images covering China and the region, as well as the trip home to the US after leaving the CBI at the end of the war.
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Colonel William D. Hopson and crew with their shark-teeth painted B-24; kissing the plane. At Palm Beach, Florida, after safe return to the US post-war. B-24 serial #44-51040. Painted under the nose window, "Maj. Dick Young," which may refer to Richard B. Young, who was in the original cadre, navigator of #42-40062 "FIVE BY FIVE." (Thanks metteor51.)