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Ringer Squadron

An air crew of the 491st Bomb Squadron posing with B-25J, "Niagra's Belle" combat id #439, at their home base, Yangkai, China, in 1945. Back row (l-r); Lt. Emory L. Wofford (copilot), Lt. Fred J. Latham (pilot), Lt. Clifford L. Barr (nav-bombardier). Front (l-r); Center is S/Sgt Manfredo L. Pascarelli (flight engineer). On his right is likely S/Sgt Ray V...
Aircrew poses at Yangkai, China, beside the B-25J, #"439, of the 491st Bomb Squadron. In the rear are Lt. John Pillsbury (pilot), Lt. Charles H. Watts (p) and Lt. Thomas A. Jackson (navigator-bombardier). The enlisted members are S/Sg Arthur E. Workman (engineer), T/Sgt Robert W. Glaser (radio) and S/Sgt Jack M. Barnes (gunner). (Information provided by Tony Strotman)
Aircrew of the 491st Bomb Squadron, in the revetment at Yangkai, China with B-25J #439. In front are (left-right) S/Sgt George K. Wilson (radio) and Pvt. Rowland G. Cox (gunner). Standing behind are (l-r) Capt. Alfred K. Patterson (pilot), S/Sgt Anthony E. Waskiewicz (engineer), Lt. Heinz H. Templin (pilot). (Information provided by Tony Strotman)
A squadron aircrew poses B-25J, #"439 of the 491st Bomb Squadron, at Yangkai, China. (left-right) Rear; 1Lt Murtrie W. Dula (copilot); S/Sgt George E. Sisson (engineer), Capt. Thomas O. Coleman (pilot) front; S/Sgt William S. Gillis (radio) and S/Sgt John S. Morrison (gunner) (Information provided by Tony Strotman)
Photo opportunity with B-25J, #439, for these aircrew members of of the 491st Bomb Squadron at Yangkai, China. The officers (rear) are Capt. Ralph P. Borgesson (pilot), Lt. Donald L. Dalton (copilot), Lt Paul W. Boeyink (bombardier) and in the front are S/Sgt Maynard T. Mann (engineer), T/Sgt Leonard C. Stamey (radio) and S/Sgt Mortn A. Giles (gunner). (Information provided...
An air crew of the 491st Bomb Squadron pose in the revetment with B-25J #439, "Niagra's Belle", at Yangkai, China. Sitting are T/Sgt Henry P. Albro (radio) and S/Sgt Arquimidas L. Matos (gunner). Standing are (l-r) Lt. Seymour Mazer (navigator), Lt. Eric M. Hexburg (pilot) and S/Sgt Frank A. Koncolics (flight engineer). (Information provided by Tony Strotman)
American servicemen with the B-25H "439", of the 491st Bomb Squadron, at Yangkai Air Base, Yunnan Province in the CBI. In unknown order they are identified as Lt Vincent J. Piazza, Jr. (bombardier), S/Sgt Arthur E. Jones (negineer-gunner), T/Sgt Raymond G. Jeanes (radio- gunner) and T/Sgt Scott F. Mitchell (armorer-gunner).
Maintenance and support personnel take the opportunity to pose together, with the B-25J, #439. 491st Bomb Squadron, Yangkai AB, China. Does anyone recognize these men, or have any additional background to provide? Please contact us.
Some combat crewmen of the 491st Bomb Squadron, with B-25J. #439, at Yangkai, China. They are Lt. Trent Biswell (pilot), Lt. Robert M. Blake (pilot), S/Sgt William J. Copeland (gunner) and S/Sgt Murray Bogel (gunner). (Information provided by Tony Strotman)
Aircrew members of the 491st Bomb Squadron pose for photo with the "Wabash Cannonball", a B-25H, at Yankgkai, Airbase, China, circa 1944. Left to right; front row - S/Sgt Walter S. Faulkner (engineer-gunner), T/Sgt Ramond L. Koenig (radio), T/Sgt Kenneth E. Norris (radio), S/Sgt Leo J. Flanagan (armorer); rear - Capt. Paul L. Ley (pilot), Capt Frank O. Cullen (pilot)...