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GIs disembark a C-54 of the Air Transport Command (ATC) at Karachi during WWII. The 1306th Army Air Force Base Unit (306th AAFBU) provided services such as the stairs down from the plane. The Photo from Al De Grasse.
The first conveyor for loading planes arrives in the CBI, September 1945.
A C-54 transport in the CBI, tail number #49008.
A C-54 transport in the CBI, tail number #317170.
A C-54 on a runway in the CBI, probably Assam, India.
GI stands before a C-54 transport plane in the CBI.
C-54 tail number #272330 in the CBI during WWII.
KUNMING, CHINA--22 June 45... Every Friday the "Trojan" C-54 that travels non-stop from Calcutta to Kunming, China, arrives at the airbase bringing the copies of the "China Lantern" China Theater Newspaper. L to R: T/3 Andrew G. Hoover, Theater Information Education, Pfc David Holman, Omaha, Nebrl, ATC Flight Clerk, unload the papers from the "Trojan". Photo by Cpl J. J...
Photos taken by Robert F. Riese in or around Liuzhou city, Guangxi province, China, in 1945. C-54 taking off at the runway at Liuzhou during WWII, in 1945.
Photos taken by Robert F. Riese in or around Liuzhou city, Guangxi province, China, in 1945. C-54 taking off at the runway at Liuzhou during WWII, in 1945.