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Air control tower at Dinjan airbase during WWII. Photo from Ellicott McConnell.
9th Photo Detachment tent camp near the air strip at Tingkawk, Burma, in August, 1944. Photo from Philip Eichen.
Workers dumping gravel to build road at Chabua airfield during WWII. Photo from Stevie Little.
"Liuchow (Liuzhou)--retaken, first flag raising." In 1945, Chinese and Americans salute as two flags are raised in Liuzhou airbase, Guangxi province, China, during WWII.
Burning the American airbase at Guilin during the evacuation before the Japanese Ichigo advance in 1944, in Guangxi province.
Burning the American airbase at Guilin during the evacuation before the Japanese Ichigo advance in 1944, in Guangxi province.
Demolition work at an American airbase (either Liuzhou or Guilin) during the evacuation before the Japanese Ichigo advance in 1944, in Guangxi province.
The gate of an airbase in Yunnan province, China, with a C-46 transport showing. During WWII.
Runway at American airbase at Liuzhou, Guangxi province, in the CBI, after Japanese retreat in 1944. The runway was heavily damaged and mined.
Mines placed on left and right of this hole on a runway by retreating Japanese at Liuzhou, Guangxi province, in the CBI, to induce the curious to approach and thereby detonate the mines.