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Local people in Yunnan province, China: An American GI chats with a farmer and kids at harvest time, with the grain fields ripe and ready, during WWII.
Local farmers in Yunnan province, China, plowing rice paddy. During WWII.
Local people plow farmland in India.
Farmers leading water buffalo through the base area at Yangkai. During WWII
Local women and children sitting along dry, turned rice paddies, in the CBI, likely in Yunnan province.
Jade Dragon Snow Mountain (玉龙雪山) with a capping of snow in Yunnan, China, in January as seen from passing American airplane during WWII. Farm fields and (possibly) rice paddies below.
A rural village near the American base at Yangkai, Yunnan province, in the CBI.
Rice paddy and village in countryside in China, probably in Yunnan province.
Men in China shoulder a large pig to market. During WWII.
Chinese farmers work in fields outside an American air base in SW China during WWII.