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A shark-mouth B-24, the mouth having a unique curl at the back, in a revetment in SW China, likely Sichuan, during WWII. This is a later model B-24 as indicated by the nose turret with two .50 cal machine guns. Courtesy of
American flyers and mechs gathered around B-24 'Doodlebug' in a revetment in Sichuan, China, likely in preparation for a mission. Courtesy of
Sichuan (China), B-24 'Doodlebug' being prepared for a mission: "Set in the safety of a reverted hardstand, this B-24 heavy bomber was being readied for a mission. The lady riding a bomb was the trademark of this aircraft named 'Doodlebug' by its crew members. The row of bombs indicate missions carried out. The small Japanese flags represent enemy aircraft shot...
The "Burma Queen" in China during WWII. A Chinese guard keeps post in the merciful shade of the wing and a crew arms bombs on the ground not far from him. The crew of B-24J serial #42-73253, of the 425th Squadron, got lost in weather during return from bombing the city of Changsha on 22 July, 1944. When fuel ran...
Fuel barrels in a flooded revetment in Yunnan province, China, most likely at the Luliang air base area. During WWII.
' Top image (above) is looking south from the northern end of the original WWII compacted rock and gravel runway at the American Yangkai airbase, during our visit in February on 2016. The whole extent of runway is intact today, and officially still the property of the People\'s Liberation Army, although it is in a practical sense not in use...
The B-24J "Lakanooki" in the CBI during WWII, with revetment visible behind. "A. B. Gerland, 1st Lt. A.C." Serial #42-73244.
The B-24 "Hilo Hattie" in the CBI, with revetment visible behind.