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Japanese Good-Luck Flag (寄せ書き日の丸) captured at Walabum while 22nd Chinese Div. during WWII. John Gaustad.
Purple Heart awarding ceremony. Squadron color guard in front of recipients of Purple Heart in the rear. Squadron CO, Major Bundy at left. At HQ compound for 14th Air Force. Near Kunming, China, in 1944. In the CBI.
George Pollock holds a captured Japanese Good-Luck Flag (寄せ書き日の丸) in China in 1945 which flew over the Lungling battlefield, later given to Ron Pettus for museum. Photos from George E. Pollock.
A ceremonial march in the CBI during WWII.
An American and a Chinese soldier show a captured Japanese Good-Luck Flag (寄せ書き日の丸) collected on the battleground in the CBI during WWII. US Army Signal Corps Photo.
George Pollock shows off trophy captured Japanese Good-Luck Flag (寄せ書き日の丸) collected on the battleground in the CBI during WWII.
Ival Baker shows souvenir captured Japanese flag, while his bodyguard watches on. During WWII, in China. Photo from Ival Baker.
Y Force liaison team shows of captured Japanese Good-Luck Flags (寄せ書き日の丸) collected on the battleground in the CBI during WWII. 1944. Photo by Cpl. Hedge.
George M. Corrington display a shows off trophy captured Japanese Good-Luck Flag (寄せ書き日の丸) he picked up at battlefield at Kohima. Photo by Tom D. Davis.
An American GI and and Chinese soldier examine Japanese flag and sword. During WWII in the CBI.