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Sino-American Special Technical Cooperative Organization (SACO)


'Edward Gable served in northern China.'
SACO members share a meal with Nationalist soldiers, in the shade of trees, during WWII. In northern China.
'Edward Gable served in China during WWII, he was a member of SACO, the U.S. Naval Group China. He spent most of his time in northern China, in areas that were probably Gansu province, and Inner Mongolia.'
Men ride sheep-skin raft in northern China during WWII, most likely on Yellow River.
GIs of SACO and a Chinese soldier sit in front of a large cast bell, next to the Lanzhou City Hospital (兰州市立医院) in Gansu province, China, during WWII. See related image here.
The Chengtian Temple Pagoda in Yinchuan, in arid northern China, during WWII. 二战期间银川的承天寺塔。
'Edward Gable served in northern China.'
SACO men on mules on the street in Shaanba (陕坝镇), Inner Mongolia, China, during WWII.
'Edward Gable served in northern China.'
The Yellow River in northern China, during WWII.