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Luliang 陆良县

' The photographer and collector of the images in the Roubinek Collection in Yunnan province, China, during WWII. We know very little about this CBI veteran or the background of these images. See an overview here. An image from the Roubinek Collection, showing planes and people connected to an American air base in WWII in Yunnan province, China, most likely...
' The photographer and collector of the images in the Roubinek Collection in Yunnan province, China, during WWII. We know very little about this CBI veteran or the background of these images. See an overview here. An image from the Roubinek Collection, showing planes and people connected to an American air base in WWII in Yunnan province, China, most likely...
' The photographer and collector of the images in the Roubinek Collection in Yunnan province, China, during WWII. We know very little about this CBI veteran or the background of these images. See an overview here. An image from the Roubinek Collection, showing planes and people connected to an American air base in WWII in Yunnan province, China, most likely...
' The photographer and collector of the images in the Roubinek Collection in Yunnan province, China, during WWII. We know very little about this CBI veteran or the background of these images. See an overview here. An image from the Roubinek Collection, showing planes and people connected to an American air base in WWII in Yunnan province, China, most likely...
' The photographer and collector of the images in the Roubinek Collection in Yunnan province, China, during WWII. We know very little about this CBI veteran or the background of these images. See an overview here. An image from the Roubinek Collection, showing planes and people connected to an American air base in WWII in Yunnan province, China, most likely...
' The photographer and collector of the images in the Roubinek Collection in Yunnan province, China, during WWII. We know very little about this CBI veteran or the background of these images. See an overview here. An image from the Roubinek Collection, showing planes and people connected to an American air base in WWII in Yunnan province, China, most likely...
' The photographer and collector of the images in the Roubinek Collection in Yunnan province, China, during WWII. We know very little about this CBI veteran or the background of these images. See an overview here. An image from the Roubinek Collection, showing planes and people connected to an American air base in WWII in Yunnan province, China, most likely...
The photographer and collector of the images in the Roubinek Collection in Yunnan province, China, during WWII. We know very little about this CBI veteran or the background of these images. See an overview here. A C-46 cargo plane at an American air base in WWII in Yunnan province, China, most likely around the Luliang air base area.
Christmas day, 1994, at Luliang, China. Pilot Lt. Harry Nelson had just told Engineer Wayne Blackburn and Radio Operator Dale Strohbehn (right) they were to fly gasoline to Suichuan (Suischwan) that day. Photo taken at Enlisted Men’s quarters, Luliang. Photo from Dale Strohbehn.
Joseph Johnston and Milfred Piper standing in a gate at Luliang, China, during WWII. Photo from Marion Crawley.