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Guilin 桂林

Also as Kweilin.

American men play with paired anti-aircraft machine guns at the end of a runway at Guilin (Kweilin), China, 1944.
KMT troops rolling road near 3515th I.T.C., Guilin (Kweilin), China, during WWII, February 1944. From Peterkin.
Chinese workers move rock for a B-29 air field at Guilin (Kweilin), China, December 1943. Photo from W. J. Peterkin.
"Chinese mess truck overturned. Twenty injured, several fatally, near Chanyi. Retreat from Kweilin (Guilin). July 3, 1944." Photo from Peterkin.
Chinese laborers pull a heavy roller on a runway at an American airbase at Guilin (Kweilin), China, during WWII. From Paul Jones.
US military buildings put to flame at Guilin (Kweilin) as the Japanese neared during Ichigo. In the CBI.
'First page of Missing Air Crew Report (MACR) for Warren J. Christensen, a P-40 pilot with the 118th Tactical Reconnaissance Squadron who disappeared on a flight from India to China on June 12, 1944.(Courtesy of Chris Davis)For more about Warren J. Christensen, please click here --------------Do have more information regarding this item? Please contact, or us the \'Provide Info\'...
Report on group mission no. 131, SEA SEARCH OVER SOUTH CHINA SEA, 5 June 1944.
Casey Vincent staff with shaved heads, June 8, 1944, in Guilin.
American GIs take part in baseball game in Guilin during WWII.