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GI sketch of 10th Air Force Photo Personnel on train coming back from the Taj at Agra. During WWII.
A warning sign to drivers. In the CBI during WWII.
Sketch of Barrackpore Air Base, Calcutta, 1945. Sketch of farm house as seen from artist George W. Stern's basha veranda.
U. S. Combat Artist, Sgt. R. Zounes, draws a Lisu woman along the Burma Road, during WWII.
"Picture taking inside of our officers' club. Our group artist has a vivid imagination, hasn't he?" Female nude pictorial with "Where Never Lark, or Even Eagle Flew" written below. In the CBI during WWII.
Americans and Chinese stop to look at a large wall mural showing peoples from four countries (China, Britain, United States, Russia, as shown by the four flags) uniting to put fascists in their place.
GIs are presented with gifts in China during WWII. Probably at Liuzhou.
A carved wooden door panel in China. During WWII. From the collection of Frank Bates.
A carved wooden door panel in China. During WWII.
A carved wooden door panel in China. During WWII.