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Combat photographers train for aerial work in the US before deployment overseas during WWII, on a AT-11. Note the clean new parachutes strapped to the nervous photographers. Aircraft serial #127339.
' My Uncle Dik and name sake in Flight School training in an AT-6 I believe. '
T/Sgt. Murphy D. Shell explains the intricacies of carburetor operation. with a model of P-51 systems set up behind him, to pilots and mechanics. In China.
Christmas letter from aviation cadet Walter G. Daniels during WWII.
Machine gun class of the Chinese Infantry non com training school at Dutan, China. The first and third guns, beginning from the foreground, are Belgian Brownings, the rest are Chezck Bren guns. Chang Tson-ta and Chung Fo are the instructors in this line. China. 18 May 1944
Grenade class in Chinese Infantry non com training school at Dutan, China, observe a man, lower left, in training pit with stick grenade in throwing position. China. 18 May 1944. 云南大屯
Yang Kai Tsue, China. 6 July 1954.... Capt Carl F. Benner, 330 Marshall Ave., Webster Groves, MO., 103rd Division Liaison Officer with T/3 William R. Hinshaw, 969 Regent St., Boulder, CO., and Mr. Wen Jen, Chinese interpreter of the 8th Chinese Army instructs a class of Chinese students in correct method of using a pack carrier and pack saddle. Photo...
An American instructor working with Chinese troops on the bayonet during WWII. Image from U. S. Government official sources.
' Please click here to see more about Ewald Anton Mast Ewald Mast\'s Gunner\'s log page 4 '
At 52nd Army HQS, Yenshan, China, 2nd Lt. Wang Mong Chien, 2nd Division; Capt. Merle Foraker, Barberton, OH. The Capt. changes angle of antenna on British B-48 set for use in prone position while Chinese student watches. American instructors teach Chinese to use new equipment supplied to 52nd army. Photo by Pfc E. J. Frayne