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Red Cross

The crew of "Old 59", and well-wisher Barbara Vatter (American Red Cross Nurse at Yangkai) pose for a photo as the crew, after many, many combat missions, prepares to return to the USA. Once back in America they were scheduled to participate in a war bond tour. Frank Bates had noted, "That's Bill Murphy holding the bull." The crew stands...
"Red Cross Girls" in China during WWII. Peg Pagenkopf and Mimi Buecher distribute bingo prizes to to S/Sgt. H. D. Frye, S/Sgt. Jos H. Cortner, Tsong Tsen Kwo, and Orville D. Benson.
7th Veterinary Company GIs packet tightly into train cars for transport. A Red Cross "Clubmobile" truck is parked on a road in the background. During WWII in the CBI.